Sound Of Techno Records


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  • Sound of Techno "Records" was established in 2010. After a series of releases by Kriss Lieven, Datacore & De Hessejung, the lable was restructured in 2011. Sound of Techno is a fresh lable, operated by dynamic musicians, sacrificing themselfs for one reason: to fokus their doings on the unconditional love to Techno Music! Favorably, for newcomers Sound of Techno provides the opportunity, making their own tracks famous in the world of techno while their tracks gets remixed by several famous artists and other newcomers. Every 2 weeks, a Podcast-Set by various artists will be broadcasted via Sound of Techno, as well. So far, the lable distinguished itselfs by certain top-rated releases and made itselfs a name, a name we ever will stand up for: Sound of Techno! Be prepared!
