Rave Scout Cookies is a new electronic music platform focused on POC and LGBTQ+ artists

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  • A newsletter and podcast series are among Rave Scout Cookies' early offerings.
  • Rave Scout Cookies is a new electronic music platform focused on POC and LGBTQ+ artists image
  • There's a new online platform for POC and LGBTQ+ electronic music artists called Rave Scout Cookies. Rave Scout Cookies comes from Salman Jaberi, who also works with the Visceral party crew in Boston. So far, the website consists of a newsletter and a mix series, though the plan for it is to become a five-pronged platform. "RSC's five media outlets are a newsletter, podcast series, digital events, check-in app, and a third-party booking agency and networking app," Jaberi told RA. "The RSC bi-monthly newsletter will illuminate a variety of topics such as POC/LGBTQ+ rave heritage and genealogy, drug harm reduction [and also feature] the vulnerable intellection behind every talent, raver and platform making notable contributions to their scenes and communities." "There are a few life-transforming raves—some of us look forward and have the privilege of attending every year, such as Honcho Campout, Whole United, Sustain-Release, etc," Jaberi adds. "RSC's central layer and mission is to provide the less-privileged members of our community a metamorphic digital experience and space where they can network, showcase their talent and, more importantly, feel heard." The name is a reference to the Boys & Girls Scout Club of America, which was originally founded as a whites-only organization, whereas Rave Scout Cookies is meant to be all-inclusive and uplift marginalized people. Listen to a recent Rave Scout Cookies mix, and check out the site here.