Scuba - Talk Torque

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  • Built on a springy bassline that would make Sasha & Digweed blush (about ten years ago), "Talk Torque"'s throbbing lunge is peppered by playful handclaps—Paul Rose at his bounciest. But the track takes no time in melting down into one of those decadent, svelte breakdowns of his; it'll please those who latched onto "Adrenalin" (and enrage those who didn't), but the breakdown here is longer and happens even earlier. No bones about it, this is a track all about the breakdown. The rollicking final five minutes are just feeding off its excess endorphins. As Rose's clipped diva shrieks "I'm your fantasy," it's all a little much, maybe; but these days Scuba thrives on spectacle, and this game of chicken he's playing with himself is only bringing giddier results. It might be a little formulaic coming after "Adrenalin," but it's a big ol' bear of a tune that deserves the single-track format it comes on.
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      A Talk Torque